Applied acoustics systems strum gs2
Applied acoustics systems strum gs2

applied acoustics systems strum gs2

Like Real Guitar, the PC- and Mac-compatible Strum is dedicated to emulating acoustic guitars. Of these, Musiclab's products are designed to allow for spontaneous real-time 'strumming' by the player, and it is with this same aim in mind that AAS have designed their Strum GS1 software.

applied acoustics systems strum gs2

Steinberg started the ball rolling with Virtual Guitarist in 2002, followed by Musiclab's Real Guitar in 2004 and Real Strat in 2007. Musicians who work to short-notice deadlines and non-existent budgets (and those of us who delight in techno toys) may therefore be intrigued by the latest aid in the quest to tackle the problem of simulating the most difficult technique to reproduce on a keyboard: strumming. The continuing determination of software developers to virtualise the real world can be seen as either a blessing or a curse, depending upon the perceived benefits such inventions may offer to your particular field of interest.

applied acoustics systems strum gs2

Fed up with guitarists? Overwhelmed by huge sample libraries? Just plain disappointed with your own ham-fisted guitar skills? AAS's Strum Acoustic GS1 could be right up your street.

Applied acoustics systems strum gs2